Wednesday, November 30, 2016

wheel universal and unique

wheel universal and unique
many principles of beauty are structured in the conception of wheel,
the basic is circle

long before man invented the wheel, circle exists, circular motion exists,
it has a point at center

a point on a plane paper, in a empty space, is a basic unit of beauty,
infinity manifesting as a point , a finite point , within itself , on itself
it has a line, the point repeating, multiplying and stopping becomes a line, a radius,
the point repeating in reverse, results in a diameter
the point rotates about itself , the point repeating, multiplying and stopping becomes many lines, radii,

Points end on the circumference being equidistant

End Points take a turn, it is now a circle

From basic , the point, a line, a circle, a square, a triangle, a rhombus, a pentagon , polygons all are infinite possibilities

and the sphere, the integrated form of circle, exists, rotation exists
nearest example is the earth,
symmetry , mirror, lengthwise width-wise, depth wise

the point is basic
line is the next
plane is crated by lines repeating
solid is created by planes repeating
wheel is one product of the beauty of circle, circle is basic
if you take wheel as basic,
then we have the plethora of wheel forms –potters wheel, cart wheel, spinning wheel, bike wheel, gear wheel, belt wheel, car wheel, lorry wheel, bus wheel, aerooplane wheel, lathes, milling machines, diesel, petrol engines, water pump, fans, mixi, wash machine, countless specialties, from one universal the circle
if you take sphere as basic,
then we have again a plethora of sphericals—foot ball, ball bearing [ it is a combination of wheel and sphere.] balloon, moon, fruits, , even some trees,
eye balls,
from one unique many specialties are created
in every specialty, one unique is underlying
one unique manifesting as specialties
all specialties evolving as the basic one unique
as specialties grow in perfection, they reach the one unique in that proportion

qualities of a professional

qualities of a professional
time conscious
cost conscious
know latest in his field, ever updating
speak truth
talk with basis, reason, not irresponsibly
talk with purpose
communication clear,to the point,concise,unfalsifiable
communication should have life in it
when in lighter veins, make it known
if doing a wild guess, state so
keep info on finger tips
keep basic info and modules of info unified
mentally healthy
physically healthy
senses sharp alive active
talk to peers in field for mutual stimulation
do not give free advice nor thrust advice
dress functional not funny
vehicle in readiness,
no wasting time energy
capable to do some physical work
theoretical understanding
validated practically
relevant contacts alive
develop contacts consciously